[UFO Chicago] Voice Recognition / Dictation Software

Nick Moffitt nick@zork.net
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 05:54:00 -0700

begin  Larry Garfield  quotation:
> What else should I be looking at, or is this something that's not
> quite mature enough on GNU-friendly platforms yet?

	A year or two ago, my then-flatmate Seth David Schoen suffered
from rather intense wrist pain, and tried a number of speech
recognition tools.  The main problem he found with the free ones was
that they aren't general-purpose dictation tools so much as glorified
remote controls.  They're not designed to detect full sentences.

	Of course, that was only very shortly after Kevin Lenzo (of
infobot fame) had fought CMU to release the program he had worked on
for his research.  It's possible that things have improved since then.

Jack Valenti is to the American film viewer and the American public
as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone. 
      -- http://cryptome.org/hrcw-hear.htm    (search for "Boston")