[UFO Chicago] [chinari21@mail.goo.ne.jp: [RSVP] Tender-hearted Aliens And Cruel-hearted Alien No1]

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 08:48:27 -0500

----- Forwarded message from chinari21@mail.goo.ne.jp -----

From: chinari21@mail.goo.ne.jp
To: slicer93@yahoo.co.jp
Subject: [RSVP] Tender-hearted Aliens And Cruel-hearted Alien No1
Date: 1 Apr 2002 19:29:17 +0900

Dear sir, sorry to send you this mail.
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?$B!|Tender-hearted Aliens And Cruel-hearted Alien No1  
The humans have come to study gene technology in less than six thousand civilization.
Many scientists are studying about immortal gene and perhaps the secret of it will be solved within one hundred years from now on.

Humans can become immortal at that time.

If many excellent scientists become immortal, the science will be progressed without limit.

The remained problem is whether the scientists are the ones with tender hearts or cruel hearts.

If they are tender-hearted, they will study the problems which serve others. 

On the contrary if they are cruel-hearted, they will study---.

If we become immortal, there arises another problem.

The problem is how to kill time. Though we are very glad if we have a week holiday, if we have holidays as long as one month,the time hung heavy on our hands. 

If we become immortal, we may become insane when we have nothing to do as long as one thousand years, ten thousand years ---.

However,if we can find something to which we can devote ourselves,we may be able to evade becoming insane.

It is good if those immortal scientists devote themselves to the studies which serve others.

However if they devote to the studies which make others unhappy----.

It is inevitable this problem finally turns into a grave issure if other civilizations are born in our vast universe. If the excellent scientist with cruel heart makes science develop without limit, he will desire to rule all the universe by dint of wars. There is every possibility of it.

Naturally aliens with tender hearts will build up the space-alliance to protect themselves.

Can you guess which side will win?

Perhaps the alien with cruel-heart is stronger because he studies and studies focussing on attacking. As you know attacking is the best defense. 

Best wishes

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Peter A. Peterson II, technician and musician.
 ---=[ http://tastytronic.net/~pedro/ ]=---