[UFO Chicago] [orion@diderot.uchicago.edu: [sklyarov-chicago] [OT] Speaking of Hyde Park (RMS talk)]

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:19:14 -0500

----- Forwarded message from Orion Buckminster Montoya <orion@diderot.uchicago.edu> -----

Richard M. Stallman [http://www.stallman.org/], founder of the GNU
project and the Free Software Foundation [http://www.gnu.org/] will be
speaking at the University of Chicago's Max Palevsky Cinema on October
31.  Further information may be found by looking at
http://www.gnu.org/events.html or, possibly, by emailing either me or

Documentation, T-Shirts and other stuff will be sold!  Stickers will
be made available free of charge!  The passive voice will be used!

All are welcome!  Tell your friends!


----- End forwarded message -----

         FREE DMITRY SKLYAROV -- http://www.freesklyarov.org/