[UFO Chicago] [inkblot@geocities.com: Re: some nki]

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Sun, 27 May 2001 01:36:21 -0500

> > I like the whole "clandestinely placed devices" idea, but that's a
> > big investment just waiting to be stolen.
> I was thinking putting a big loud label on the thing that says
> something like "If you have any questions about this thing like 'Why
> is it on my roof?' or 'Why shouldn't I tag it?', or if you just want
> to know how to use it, please call xxx-xxx-xxxx"

What about setting up a registered Not For Profit organization, and
approaching building owners/corps. So long as our box doesn't interfere
with the cellular networks that they host, they could actually take a
deduction for hosting us to the tune of whatever other clients might pay
them. Am I right on that?

We might be able to get on a lot more buildings that way, especially if
we push it like, "community owned and operated". Hospitals especially
might be down with that, and they're pretty big buildings, usually. I
think of like, Swedish Covenant on Foster and Ravenswood Hospital in
particular. Plus, what about those old folks homes (sorry, that's not
PC) just across the canal from McCormick in Lincolnwood? Those things

The other thing is that we could build dedicated boxes in custom cases
with Pentium brains with a very small footprint for probably MUCH less
headache than trying to building mini machines. I have at least one
pentium board that can't be much more than 1x1 sq. ft.

Hey, if we were a real NFP, maybe we could get some hardware
donated...eyebrow, eyebrow?
