[UFO Chicago] Enduser Journal #3

Thomas thomas@chicagomac.com
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 16:52:39 -0500

quote Matthew
> Note that if you move to a 2.4 series kernel you are more-or-less required
> to have swap for 2 times your physical memory.  There are several ..
> right now with the 2.4 VM system that cause this.
> Matt

So with 640MB of RAM I'd likely need 1,280MB for swap?  Does it really pro
out to that or is there an upper limit?  Like 512 MB swap for a 256 MB
system?  I have the drive space, but I guess I'd rather know now before I
attempt to do much with this machine.  I do plan to move up to 2.4 when and
if Yellow Dog gets wireless support worked out with it.

btw: Thanks for your responses all, Matt, Nate, and of course Pedro... I've
always read about the friendliness/helpfulness of the Free OS community, but
it's quite another thing to actually experience it.