[UFO Chicago] debian for the broadband deprived (was open gl dependencies...)

Nick Moffitt nick@zork.net
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 23:45:40 -0700

begin  Paul Suda quotation:
>   Yeah, I'd be down with getting the most recent stable version and
>   then doing some selective upgrades via the network.

	You could do selective upgrades, or you could just upgrade the
whole machine.  The latter is a single command.  Also recommended is
the "testing" distribution, which is like unstable except that
packages must compile on all architectures before being copied from
unstable to testing.  It tends to weed out a lot of cruft that way.

>   I had to do a little of this with Suse and it was only about an
> evening's worth of downloads. Since security isn't a big deal for me
> (I have very restrictive filtering, run no network services other
> than ssh, and am usually only online an hour or so per day), there
> are only a few apps and libraries I'll need to update.

	All the same, having a secure system is a good thing.
Besides, it's no extra work on your part.  The computer does all of
the real work.

You are not entitled to your opinions.
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        ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)