[UFO Chicago] debian for the broadband deprived (was open gl dependencies...)

Jack Edwards edwardsj1@tastytronic.net
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 20:12:21 -0500

Quoting Paul Suda:
>   So, let's do it! Who ever can make the copy without too much trouble,
> contact me and we'll work something out.

I always keep the latest debian .iso images (i386 and ppc) on my machine, 
so I can have a cd ready for the next meeting. Then maybe we can usurp
one of North Park's network connections for a little while and get it all 


Jack D. Edwards:             edwardsj1@tastytronic.net
User of Free Software:      http://tastytronic.net/ufo
Aspiring Tech Writer: http://flynn.zork.net/~edwardsj1