[UFO Chicago] open gl dependencies...

Nick Moffitt nick@zork.net
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 16:25:14 -0700

begin  Paul Suda quotation:
> Well, for now I'm stumped. I'm new to writing autoconf files, so I
> might have done something wrong with the GL detection in the
> configure script.
> If any of you know how to write configure.in files, or know someone
> who does, please let me know. I would like to talk to them.

	Well, I'm a fair hand with autoconf, so here's my analysis:

Your section looks like this:
dnl Make sure we have Open GL available.
AC_CHECK_LIB(GL, glXCreateContext, , , "-lMesaGL")
if test "x$ac_cv_lib_GL_glXCreateContext" != 'xyes'  
    echo "Cannot find Open GL libraries."
    exit 1  

	The format of AC_CHECK_LIB is as follows:

AC_CHECK_LIB(library, function, [if-found], [if-not-found], [other-libraries])

	This means that you probably want something like:

AC_CHECK_LIB(GL, glXCreateContext, , AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find OpenGL
Libraries), MesaGL)

> No broadband access, need for comprehensive distribution that fits
> on a reasonable number of CDs. I will be the first to admit that my
> situation is less than ideal, but those are the requirements. I'm
> sure that this is possible somehow with Debian, but I havn't found
> it to fit these requirements as well as Suse. Not that I'm trying to
> convince anyone that Suse is better or anything, this is just why I
> use it.

	Well, you can no doubt get CDs of "stable", but for "unstable"
you really need to do a networked upgrade.  This is something you can
run in the background on a running system, though.  You could run it
while Web browsing, checking mail, or whatever.  Or you could kick off
an upgrade, go to sleep, and finish the configuration stage when you
wake up.  Lots of Debian developers have crappy net access as well,
and they do regular upgrades to keep abreast of things (typical daily
upgrade is about 40M).

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	01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter! 
        ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)