[UFO Chicago] open gl dependencies...

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 19:07:25 -0500

Quoting Nick Moffitt:
> run in the background on a running system, though.  You could run it
> while Web browsing, checking mail, or whatever.  Or you could kick off
> an upgrade, go to sleep, and finish the configuration stage when you
> wake up.  Lots of Debian developers have crappy net access as well,
> and they do regular upgrades to keep abreast of things (typical daily
> upgrade is about 40M).

I would think it's even less than that. I could be wrong though.


<plug type="obligatory">
"I'm running Debian Stable, so I'm not sure if that made 
life any easier for me."