[UFO Chicago] Greylisting

Jay F. Shachter jay at m5.chicago.il.us
Sun Jul 14 18:57:03 CDT 2024

Here's something you all can discuss at tonight's meeting, if you're
looking for an interesting topic.

I tried to send some electronic mail to ufo at ufo.chicago.il.us a couple
of hours ago, and I just found out a few minutes that it was never
delivered (I believe that I did successfully send a copy to James)
because the message was greylisted.  Had I known that it was
greylisted, I would have retransmitted it after 5 minutes, but I
didn't think to check, because I have never been greylisted before.

The machine from which I send electronic mail recently changed its IP
address from to  It seems that
jay at m5.chicago.il.us had formerly been on the whitelist, but only when
he is connecting from  From now on, however, I shall be
connecting from

How do I get back on the whitelist?  Tastytronic.net has the MX record
for ufo.chicago.il.us.  Does anyone reading this have system
administrator privileges on tastytronics.net?  Does anyone reading
this even know how to login to tastytronic.net?  I know I don't.

I can always manually retransmit my mail to ufo at ufo.chicago.il.us --
which is exactly what I will do in five minutes -- but that's bloody
annoying, and I want to get back on the whitelist, as I have been
up until now.  How does that happen?

                        Jay F. Shachter
                        6424 North Whipple Street
                        Chicago IL  60645-4111
                                +1 773 7613784   landline
                                +1 410 9964737   GoogleVoice
                                jay at m5.chicago.il.us

                        "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur"

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