[UFO Chicago] October In-Person UFO Meetings

Jay F. Shachter jay at m5.chicago.il.us
Tue Sep 26 13:45:40 CDT 2023

Esteemed Colleagues:

Are people willing to switch the in-person and online meetings next
month, doing the Sunday evening in-person meeting on the 4th week
(October 22), and doing the Tuesday evening on-line meeting on the 2nd
week (October 3)?  (Parenthetically, do we still need to have on-line
meetings at all?  I hate them.)  The reason I ask is that the 2nd
Sunday of next month, October 8, is a major Jewish festival, the 2nd
day of Sukkoth (and the 3rd Sunday of the month, October 15, is also a
major Jewish festival, Simhath Torah), so practicing Jews will not be
able to attend the October in-person meeting if it is not rescheduled.
As of the latest count, practicing Jews constitute between 20% and 25%
of the regulars at our in-person Sunday meetings, so maybe that is a
large enough minority to consider a schedule change.

	Jay F. Shachter
	6424 North Whipple Street
	Chicago IL  60645-4111
		(1-773)7613784   landline
		(1-410)9964737   GoogleVoice
		jay at m5.chicago.il.us

	"But when she traced the killer's IP address ... it was in the 192.168/16 block!"

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