[UFO Chicago] alternative ways of locating files

Brian Sobolak brian at planetshwoop.com
Sun Feb 14 12:25:48 PST 2010

On Sun, February 14, 2010 2:02 pm, Jordan Bettis wrote:


> The latter, (DMSes) came from corporate 'shared drives.' The idea is
> that people in businesses tend to produce a lot of files to which
> others need access. Moreover, the kind of 'hierarchy under group
> management' model of shared drives always ended up pretty chaotic. So
> what was really needed was a 'shared drive' that had better was of
> organizing and finding the files, including tagging, in document
> search, etc. That's what a DMS is.

(nice write-up)

One company I am familiar with recently announced its intention to
eliminate "shared drives" and just utilize Sharepoint.  I was sort of
shocked as the good ol' file server seems like such a bedrock concept in
corporate computing.



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