[UFO Chicago] alternative ways of locating files

Jordan Bettis jordanb at hafd.org
Sun Feb 14 12:02:13 PST 2010

On Sun, Feb 07, 2010 at 02:45:55PM -0800, Politik Durden wrote:
> Also found a couple more good links: 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_content_management_systems
> http://www.cmsmatrix.org

There are actually two concepts here, Content Management Systems and
Document Management Systems.

The former (CMSes) came out of online news publication. They had
people writing articles, and they needed a way to move them through
their editorial process and onto the web in a systematic process that
was as automatic as possible. Drupal is a really popular CMS right

The latter, (DMSes) came from corporate 'shared drives.' The idea is
that people in businesses tend to produce a lot of files to which
others need access. Moreover, the kind of 'hierarchy under group
management' model of shared drives always ended up pretty chaotic. So
what was really needed was a 'shared drive' that had better was of
organizing and finding the files, including tagging, in document
search, etc. That's what a DMS is.

A lot of companies' intranets have a need for both CMS and DMS
features, as they have a need to publish company-wide notices, etc,
which would be a CMS job, and a means to manage all the spreadsheets
and documents people write, which is a DMS job.

Jordan Bettis
jordanb at hafdconsulting.com
Phone: 312-628-5508
Fax: 312-327-7114

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