[UFO Chicago] implementing internal DNS

Jordan Bettis jordanb at hafd.org
Sat Aug 1 20:06:22 PDT 2009

On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 01:48:55PM -0700, Politik Durden wrote:

> I want internal users to have certain urls resolve to internal
> resources (a web server, nas device, print server, whatever). 

What I do is this: I have a router/dhcp box thingy. I also have a
machine that is always on because it's running my phone.

The router thingy is doing dhcp, but I configured it to report the
phone machine as the DNS server, rather than itself.

The phone server is also running BIND, which I configure to resolve
internal addresses.

It works great.

PS: Email lines should wrap at < 79 characters. ;)

Jordan Bettis

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