[UFO Chicago] LinuxFormat DVD

Brian Sobolak brian at planetshwoop.com
Thu Jun 8 06:24:06 PDT 2006

I was jonesin' dead-tree Linux content yesterday and picked up LinuxFormat
at my local Barnes and Noble.  It's a Linux publication out of the UK and
I found it much more informative than Linux Journal.  (Is anyone else
tired of wine cliches?  It's been like the same joke for what, SEVEN
YEARS?)  I was also surprised to find that they actually panned products
-- I don't think I've seen that in any of the other
press-releases-masquerading-as-magazines ^H^H^H^H^H^H magazines I've been
reading lately.

In any case.... if you'd like the DVD, you're welcome to have it.  I'll
bring it to the meeting tonight.  I has a ton of LiveCDs on it as well as
other software mentioned in the magazine.  (And if I finish reading it
before tonight, I'll bring that too.)

Here's the listing of software:


Brian Sobolak

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