[UFO Chicago] Re: Personal Groupware server

Tim Erickson tim at in2words.org
Fri Jan 28 08:48:23 CST 2005


> - EGroupware is primarily web-based, and so not of use to me.

Anyone know of a good web-based one?  I have Horde mostly installed, but
got hung up on getting the auth imap to work.


>Bottom line, I've decided that FOSS groupware is just not yet up to the
>point that I can start playing with it, so I've put off that project for
>now. :-(  Instead, I'm working on setting up just my own imap server for
>mail.  Of course, I've run into the same problem there.  uw-imap is
>weird (user account IS the home directory, so requires dedicated account
>and doesn't let me create folders the way I like), courier is not well
>documented (can't even tell if it needs a separate SMTP server or not,
>reports vary), and I'm having trouble figuring out cyrus (doesn't seem
>to use the system's user accounts at all, but I've not figured out how
>to set up separate ones).  If anyone has experience or pointers to good
>tutorials on those, I'd be appreciative.  (Perhaps on IMAP itself, since
>that seems a decidedly more complicated concept than POP.)

Nothing on IMAP in general or any of these specifically.  However, I was
similarly frustrated with IMAP (and email server setup generally) - it was
the most complicated and frustrating thing I've done yet.

One IMAP you might try that I don't see on your list, though, is <a
href="http://www.bincimap.org">BincIMAP</a>.  I got fed up trying to get
courier to work on FC2 with qmail, finally searched for an alternative,
found binc, and it installed and just worked without much effort.  Happy
ever since (and Squirrelmail works now - yeah!).  From the faq:

Q: What is "Binc"?
A: This should be quite obvious: Binc Is Not Courier-IMAP :-). The 'B' is
from my ancient scene nick 'BitBrat/Bitto/Bibr (INF)', which I rarely use


Tim (new member)

Brian Sobolak wrote:
> Larry Garfield wrote:
>> I will soon be setting up a new server for my home network.  If
>> possible I'm going to setup a full groupware server on it (why?
>> Because I can!), so I'm looking for suggestions on which to use.  The
>> system itself will be running Debian Sarge.
> Any results on this?  I just installed moregroupware from the FreeBSD
> ports this week and have been kicking the tires.  (Note to self:  PHP
> installation sucks.)
> brian

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