[UFO Chicago] [raby1@imap4.asu.edu: [RSVP] Contacting members of UFO Chicago]

Peter A. Peterson II pedro at tastytronic.net
Fri May 14 00:41:59 CDT 2004

----- Forwarded message from raby1 at imap4.asu.edu -----

Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 01:11:35 -0700 (MST)
From: raby1 at imap4.asu.edu
To: ufo-info at tastytronic.net
Subject: [RSVP] Contacting members of UFO Chicago


    My name is Michael Raby, and I am a member of the Phoenix Linux User Group
in Arizona.  I am, also, affiliated with a software company that is developing
a piece of software for Linux users.  This company is in the beta testing
stage with this software, and they are asking for Linux users help.  On their
website they have a link for downloading the beta version.  They are asking
for those interested in trying this new software to download it and run it for
a couple of days/weeks till they get a feel for it.  Then they are asking if
the user could fill out a survey giving their opinion on the product.  Once
all the testing is complete this software is going to be sold, so they are
offering a free copy of the software to anyone who tests the software and
fills out the survey.  

    I am writing you to ask if you think any members of your Linux user group
would be interested in helping out with the testing of this software, if you
would be so kind to pass on this information to the group.  The website for
the software is:


The link for beta tester is on the top of the page just right of center.

                                        Thank You in Advance,

                                         Michael C. Raby

About the software:

  Fab4linux is a new way to browse the desktop of your favorite linux
system. When the program is running it will give you a GUI at the bottom of
your screen, which will allow you to browse your computer by using the
keyboard.  It is fully configurable, giving you the option of what each letter
does what.  It supports full macros.  For instance, you can set it up to have
'k' open your web browse, so when the program is running all you have to do is
press 'k', and it will open up the web browse you programmed in.  It, also,
allows you to browse documents and directories quickly using single keys on
the keyboard, and you could open up the documents in the same way.  It really
is a neat program, and they company would linux users opinion on what they

rsvp mailing list
rsvp at ufo.chicago.il.us

----- End forwarded message -----

Peter A. Peterson II, technician and musician.
 ---=[ http://tastytronic.net/~pedro/ ]=--- 

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