[UFO Chicago] Linux friendly wireless access point

Dave dhorton@megsinet.net
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 13:41:43 -0400


Thanks for all your help.


> Just now Dave made 15 LEDs in my apartment flash with this:
> > Thanks for the info.  Do you use the Linksys?  If so, has your
> > experience been good?
> I have a BEFW11S4.  It has worked well most of the time, but I had
> some problems upgrading the firmware, and the few problems that I've
> had since then are probably on account of that whole mess.  There are
> two firmware uploaders that come with this thing.  One is a Java
> applet that resides on the hardware itself, but apparently only works
> in IE.  The other is a modified TFTP client for Windows.  At the time
> (about a year ago) there were some folk-remedy type patches floating
> around in order to make the netkit tftp client work with the BEFW11S4,
> so there may be a real Linux client by now.  At any rate, the firmware
> pre-loaded on a BEFW11S4 or WAP11 that you would buy today is probably
> sufficiently recent that you wouldn't need to upgrade the firmware
> anyway.  When I bought mine, the firmware was still pretty buggy and
> Linksys was making new releases every few weeks.
> -Nate
> -- 
> --< ((\))< >----< inkblot@movealong.org >----<
http://www.movealong.org/ >--
> Wealth is the lowest form of greatness.
> pub  1024D/05A058E0 2002-03-07 Nate Riffe (06-Mar-2002)
>      Key fingerprint = 0DAC F5CB D182 3165 D757  C466 CD42 12A8 05A0 58E0
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