[UFO Chicago] Revolution OS on Sundance Channel Monday at 9 PM

Surferd00d8123 spork@zork.net
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 14:22:14 -0800

begin  Nick Moffitt  quotation:
> begin  Surferd00d8123  quotation:
> > Small world, bro, we both have the same bacon number!
> > http://us.imdb.com/Name?Grannis,+Leroy
> > 
> > leroy grannis  has a Bacon number of 3.
> 	Wait just a fucking minute, here.
> 	Roy Grannis?  As in, Roy Grannis from San Diego?

The one and only! I thought I remembered your name from somewhere.
What you been up to bro?

> 	As in the washed up fuck who knocked up my cousin Rachel and
> then skipped town for LA?  As in the Roy Grannis who then gave his
> drinking buddy the key to her apartment and told him he could sleep on
> the couch when he was in town?  

I'm not sure this information is appropriate for this public list but
since its being thrown out here for all of CHI-TOWN to see, I feel the
need to respond in kind.

Chill man! Its not like she was the first chick to be given a gift
composed of 50% Grannis! Her mistake was going to old doctor vacuum.

And the whole couch sleeping thing. Total misunderstanding, bro. 
He was supposed to use MY HALF OF THE BED!! Its not my fault Rachel
decided to make up crazy rules about who owns what in her aprtment.
If she was so against him sleeping on the bed,  she could have slept
on the couch.

> > I starred in a movie about a group of Pro-Life morally concious
> > surfers in "Surfing for Life" where I played myself.  Believe or not
> > we were prompted to do this movie while considering the moral
> > implications of being both a surfer and cool.
> > http://us.imdb.com/Title?0230835
> 	Jumping Jesus FUCK.  I know all too much about this film.  I
> mean, we all talked about it.  Didn't you think that after MAKING A
> MOVIE IN LA ABOUT YOUR LIFE that we would be able to FIND YOU FOR

Dude, royalties on these types of films only go so far. And you know
damn well where in Orange County I live, seeing as you were the one
who stole a good tenth of a kilo of coke right out of my own freaking
home during one of my house parties. What the hell do you do with a
tenth of a kilo of coke!!!? thats a lot of freaking blow to just rob
from someone.

> 	I guess now you're off in Chi-town, eh?  Well, good to fucking
> know.  

Damn. You better not come hassling me. 
I knocked your cousin up, if you come along, I'll knock you down.

Mort, Matt, Mark (I forget your name), If you are reading this, don't
worry about having my back, I can take this Moffitt freak.

> > Incidently, did you film your movie in LA? I might have seen you.
> 	Oh, you've seen me.

Damn straight I have. And it better be the last I've seen of you.

 Surferd00d 8321
 If you can't surf it,                        
 arrange to have it surfed.