[UFO Chicago] This one's for Jordan

Jordan Bettis jordanb@hafd.org
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 22:48:19 -0600

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On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 08:26:31PM -0600, Elliot Shank wrote:
> http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/freedom/
> http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2002/02/28/williams.html
> It's on Stallman!             (Jordan: Good!)
> It's by O'Reilly!             (Jordan: Evil!)
> Stallman cooperated with it!  (Jordan: ?!?!?)

I brought it up on gnu-friends.org[1]. The general opinion there seems
to be that because a biography is not generally useful information like
a manual, it's not as bad.

I disagree, I think that a biography is generally useful information=20
for the same reason that a encyclopedia is generally useful information.

One poster does point out, however, that the appendix contains the FDL,
so part or all of the book may actually be Free, (in which case, we'll
have to get it in Gutenberg ASAP), so the jury's still out on RMS's
selling out ;-).

I've considered dropping RMS an email asking for clarification, but
I'm sure 100 other people have already done that. Maby cc it to
letters@lwn.net or something to make responding worth his while.

[1] <http://www.gnu-friends.org/comments/2002/3/4/95725/16572/4#4>

Jordan Bettis <http://www.hafd.org/~jordanb>
Giving up on assembly language was the apple in our Garden of Eden: Languag=
whose use squanders machine cycles are sinful. The LISP machine now permits=
LISP programmers to abandon bra and fig-leaf.
          -- Alan J Perlis: Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN 1982

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