[UFO Chicago] Cooling fan wiring.

Sean Neakums sneakums@ufo.chicago.il.us
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 16:58:55 +0100

commence  Jesse Becker  quotation:
> --- Sean Neakums <sneakums@ufo.chicago.il.us> wrote:
> > My craptop has every device on a single IRQ.  I hate it.
> Wow, that sucks.  Mine actually has a eight free IRQs. :-) 
> However, it does put my NIC, PCMCIA ports, and USB hub on
> the same IRQ....  Maybe *that*'s why USB never worked...

My USB works (came in handy with all the pencam pictures we were
taking), but I can't get isochronous USB to smoothly stream audio to
my iMic, so no line-out for me.  I may look into CardBus audio
hardware, because at least there's a DMA path all the way to the card,
so I don't foresee a problem in that regard.

Sean Neakums - <sneakums@ufo.chicago.il.us> --- --- -- -
Director of International Operations, UFO Chicago - -- -
http://ufo.chicago.il.us/ --- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -