[UFO Chicago] Microsoft-free car for sale!
Jesse Becker
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 21:35:02 -0700 (PDT)
So, I've got a car that is 99.9%[1] non-free software
(user-modifiable)[2] free that I need to sell *SOON*.
"Soon", in this case means "by Friday".
It's a '87 Honda Accord. Has a bunch of miles on it (over
150,000 if I recall). The inside is a mess, and there's
problems with the front axle.
The price? $300 (negotiable). I'm selling it "as-is", so
when it breaks, you get to keep the pieces.
Why am I selling it? Because the Virginia registration
that it currently has expires at the end of the month, my
wife and I don't need two cars, I don't want to deal with
the IL DMV more than I have to, and if I can provide a UFO
person with some wheels in the process then that's good
carma[3] for me.
If anyone is interested, email me and we can talk (I'll
provide my phone number in private email).
[1] I'm hedging my bets.
[2] Firmware and things that require special hardware
excluded. Besides, this makes the email kinda on topic,
[3] Yuck, yuck.
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