[UFO Chicago] Fun with Domains

Nate Riffe inkblot@movealong.org
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 03:32:23 -0500

Just now Larry Garfield made 15 LEDs in my apartment flash with this:
> path-directing domain names.

ITYM "virtual hosts".

> Now, my question is, given my current setup, with foreign DNS hosting
> and a NAT in the way, can I still do that sort of setup?  If so, how? 
> Inquiring minds want to know!

Of course you can.  The apache configuration works the same as before.
The DNS configuration works the same as before.  The only thing that
has changed is Where the domain is served from.  As long as you still
have control over what records are in the domain, then the domain
hosting doesn't make any difference in your virtual host setup.


--< ((\))< >----< inkblot@movealong.org >----< http://www.movealong.org/ >--
Wealth is the lowest form of greatness.
pub  1024D/05A058E0 2002-03-07 Nate Riffe (06-Mar-2002) <inkblot@movealong.org>
     Key fingerprint = 0DAC F5CB D182 3165 D757  C466 CD42 12A8 05A0 58E0