[UFO Chicago] Re: ufo Subscribe Notification

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@flynn.zork.net
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 11:42:44 -0600

Quoting David J Oliver:
> i missed the stuff about the meetings - we talking live in person meetings??
> what will happen there?  Someone can just forward the email that answers this question, as i can't find it in my inbox.

Live and in person! We'll talk about free software and geeky stuff.
Eventually we'll have periodic installfests and also nights where we'll
go out somewhere other than George's, like Moody's, or The Abbey or
something like that.

We're going to put up signs at Northwestern, Northeastern, Loyola,
Depaul, as well as advertise on the luni list.


PS: Dave, you should set up your mail to linewrap at 72 columns. In vim
this can be accomplished locally with :set tw=72, but I'm sure there's a
global setting. Do you have the vim-rt package installed?

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