[UFO Chicago] thefreshness.net people

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@flynn.zork.net
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 00:14:28 -0600

YO! Get dave to make procmail work on thefreshness.net if it already
isn't, and set up your mutt to handle lists in an intelligent manner.
The way I do it is that all lists are handled in ~/inboxes/ wheras
regular mail is in ~/mail. I got this system from crackmonkey. From
there, procmail (as ordered in your ~/.procmailrc) sorts lists into
appropriately named inboxes, and voila! 

Look at http://tastytronic.net/~pedro/.muttrc and .procmailrc for more

Also, ben, brian and dave, you all have accounts on flynn -- make sure
that your flynn passwords and thefreshness.net passwords are DIFFERENT
and current. If you don't know your passwords, let me know, and I will
change them. I recommend you create a ~/.forward file so that your flynn
mail will bounce over to thefreshness.net. Look at /home/nick/.forward
to see how it works. It's really, really easy.


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