[UFO Chicago] Re: [LUNI] Softroad

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:16:51 -0500

Quoting Nate Riffe:
> > Hopefully UFO will have a meeting at some point in the near future
> > with a discussion about this specifically on the docket, with price
> > information and distances, etc. Another important question is how do
> > you get on top of tall buildings? I was thinking about the
> > possibility of starting a not-for-profit organization that
> > approaches building owners with the proposition for allowing us to
> > use rooftop space that they could potentially be able to deduct as a
> > donation (especially if they already lease space to cellular
> > companies).
> I thought about that, too.  If someone wants to take on that job, then by
> all means go for it.  Sales, Marketting, and Talking To People Who Aren't
> Interested In What I'm Telling Them in general aren't really my cup of
> tea.  However, I can provide a list of buildings I would eventually like
> to have antennae on :-).

The university I work for has a degree in nfp management. I'll talk to
some people about what it requires to start one. I understand it's a
heap of work. And I know both a lawyer and an IRS-man who should be able
to tell us if the donations would be tax deductible.

Do we know if a 2.4Ghz antenna on a building would disrupt cellular
traffic? Maybe that's a dumb question, I don't know.


<plug type="obligatory">
"I'm running Debian Stable, so I'm not sure if that made 
life any easier for me."