Fw: [UFO Chicago] Social Life

Paul Suda paul@manufaxure.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:05:11 -0500

Yeah, I'm down with a big free software event. I agree that maybe it would
be fun to rent out a room at a restaurant. I think it should be one that
has pitchers of beer available. A lot of us (myself included) seem to like
beer but hate cigarrette smoke and never want to go to bars for free
software events. This would give us a chance to take over a room, make it
smoke free, then drink to our heart's content. Then again, a restaurant
without beer that just has good food might be fun too.

Are any of you planning on going out to the Compter Show and Linuxfest at
the College of Dupage. I don't have any idea where the College of Dupage
is, and this is the only info I have... I got this from a LUNI post sent to
the subscriber list after the list server went down....

>	This is a reminder, that even in the absence of the LUNI list the
>show must go on. So in this vein I will remind you all the Linuxfest is 
>this weekend at College of DuPage, in the building adjacent to the 
>Computer Show.

So, I think I will be free saturday or sunday afternoon and thought I
would see if any other UFOers wanted to take a trip out there with me.
I have a car, and I can drive. If anyone else is interested, I'll
see if I can find out more.


On 2001.06.20 01:22:17 -0500 Peter A. Peterson II wrote:
> Quoting Thomas:
> > But I also thing some local things involving no driving or reservations
> > would be cool... maybe a midnight movie at the Village or something
> else
> > more or less central.
> It would have to be a worthy movie. Have you heard of any of them
> lately?
> It'd be cool to have a Chicago Free Software Summit at Giordano's or
> something like that, where we could reserve a room. Reservations are not
> a big deal, if we can get an idea of how many people are coming. 
> I think it would be cool for UFO to organize large-scale events like
> this; (albeit smaller scale than great america) it could really provide
> our group with a name and a presence, not to mention attract users. And
> it can't be THAT hard to handle.