[UFO Chicago] Social Life

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 12:29:07 -0500

Quoting Thomas:
>    I'll be posting these as I find things that I can attest to, reminding
>    all UFO members to enjoy the city and our all too short summer.
>    TCP/IP and hard drives will still be here when the snows fallin'.

Tom, I'm all about the combination of art (music) and life (computers)
and I think a list like UFO could really gain some vibrancy with a
lot of both. Luni has always seemed a little too heavy on the technical
side, and so seems dry to me.

I was also kicking around an idea -- organizing a geek day at great
america, and putting out the word to luni, 2600, perlmonkeys, et al, and
then descending on Great America in droves some saturday this summer. Do
you think that there'd be interest in this? I could totally print up
shirts and take reservations, etc, so we'd know about how many to tell
GA were coming. I know you can get discounts for big groups. How cool
would that be?

Geek Day at Great America
Sponsored by UFO CHICAGO



<plug type="obligatory">
"I'm running Debian Stable, so I'm not sure if that made 
life any easier for me."