[UFO Chicago] local domain names...

Nick Moffitt nick@zork.net
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 10:22:49 -0700

begin  Sean Neakums quotation:
>     PAP> But see, maybe we'll get some people who ARE interested in
>     PAP> ay-leens, and then we can convert them to the TRUTH of FREE
> Yes!  And they can convert us to the TRUTH of AY-LEENS meddling in
> HUMAN AFFAIRS.  I call that a fair exchange.  And then we'll be able
> to haxx0r the ay-leen motherships with out superior FREE SOFTWARE
> tools.  And then we win, and have Coca-cola and Twinkies for ever and
> ever.

	And they had the best Christmas ever.  The End.

You are not entitled to your opinions.
	01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter! 
        ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)