[UFO Chicago] open gl dependencies...

Paul Suda paul@manufaxure.com
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 17:11:08 -0500

Yes, I've had alot of Debian fans confront me with this proposition lately.
I actually used to be a Debian user (v 2.1), about 2 years ago, I think.
But at the time I was fairly dependent on some non-free applications and
needed very recent versions of some libraries. Debian provided me with
neither and it was a pain to always have to go get those things and
reinstall everytime I did a new debian install.

Times have changed though. I have weened myself away from Netscape, Pine,
and Pico and am ready to accept a totally GPL compatible system. And I
understand that the "unstable" version of Debian has very up to date
libraries and really isn't all that unstable.

So, if someone will volunteer to burn me a copy of what they think is the
best recent debian release. I have an extra hard drive partition I promise
to install it on and give it a try.


On 2001.06.15 13:19:35 -0500 Peter A. Peterson II wrote:
> Quoting Nick Moffitt:
> > Paul: SuSE is a pile of cruft!  Get Debian!
> And Paul, Nick used to work for SuSE.
> pedro
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> <plug type="obligatory">
> "I'm running Debian Stable, so I'm not sure if that made 
> life any easier for me."
> </plug>
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