[UFO Chicago] Local free software project wants YOU!

Paul Suda paul@manufaxure.com
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 20:48:25 -0500

Hi all!

I have been developing a project in my spare time over the last two years
which I am now releasing as free software. It is called the Clockwork
Programming Language. In short, it is an easy to learn/use programming
language for producing graphically intense applications. I have a web page
set up for it already, so go here for more information and downloads:


Right now, it is in the very early stages of development. This is the first
public release. The point of this is to spread the word about it and
solicit comments and/or help from the community. So if you have any
interest in this sort of thing, download it now and try it out.

What do you need? A working installation of GNU/Linux with OpenGL or MesaGL
libraries installed. For most of you this probably won't be a problem since
many distributions come standard with that and you might even already have
the GL libraries installed.

Who should try this? Everybody! I don't expect you to learn how to program
in this language or anything. For now, I just want some feedback about how
well the code compiles on various platforms. Demo programs are provided
which make some simple, but nice eye candy. All you have to do is run them
and tell me how it goes.

I'll be announcing this in the next few days on other mailing lists in the
area and on Freshmeat, but you are the first to hear about this. So, this
is your big chance, be the first kid on your block to try this out! I'll
definately be at George's on thursday (we have a meeting this thursday
right?). So hopefully I can talk to/pester some of you about this then.

