[UFO Chicago] Who On This Mailing List Is Responsible For The UFO Website? -- Followup

Peter A. H. Peterson pedro at tastytronic.net
Fri Jan 3 10:28:31 CST 2025

Hi all,

Quoting Jay F. Shachter:
> Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted that James L Mazurek would write on Sun Dec 29 14:43:26 2024:
> > 
> > Jay,
> > 
> > I believe we have discussed the topic of website changes before.
> >
> Yes, reviewing some of my old mail to this mailing list, I see that I
> brought up this identical topic in April 2023.  It was so long ago
> that I didn't remember.

I'm sorry, I haven't followed the list in a very long time, so I only
see messages when they are sent to me directly.

> > Pedro is the person responsible for the ufo.chicago.il.us website
> > and email list.  You may contact him via email:
> > pedro at tastytronic.net

> Thank you, I shall forward my e-mail to pedro at tastytronic.net and see
> what comes of it.

This is my oldest functioning email address, but I am not always very
good at keeping up with it (especially over breaks or when the
semester is busy). The best way to reach me with certainty is to email
me at pahp at d.umn.edu, which is my work email.

> Has anyone on this mailing list ever met Pedro?  I have been a member
> of this group for, I think, 15 years, and I know I have not.

I started this group with some others back in 2001, but I haven't
lived anywhere near Chicago since 2005. I would be happy to transfer
ownership of things to someone if they would like, but i'm also happy
to continue to host things more or less as they are for as long as
people want, and make updates as requested. I'm reluctant to give write
access on the server, since it hosts a variety of things and I (sadly)
don't have a personal relationship with anyone in UFO Chicago. 

If folks feel that write access is critical, but transferral is not an
option, then I'd be happy to have an off-list conversation with one or
more current members to find a path forward.

Thanks for keeping the group alive! I have many fond memories of UFO
Chicago meetings back in the day.

Very Sincerely,


Peter A. H. Peterson

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