[UFO Chicago] Fwd: UFO-Chicago Meeting Report

James L Mazurek james at mazurek.chicago.il.us
Wed Jun 12 13:24:34 CDT 2024

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 15:24:11 -0500
From: johnmarkmelanie at gmail.com
To: luni-announce-chicago at googlegroups.com
Subject: UFO-Chicago Meeting Report



The meeting was wonderful.

An in-person meeting is better in some ways than an online meeting.

We talked about how single-user system needs can differ from multi-user
system needs.

We talked about how advancements to a system often break things and before
they can fix all the issues they move on to the next advancement and we seem
to never get the reliable operating system we want.

We talked about telephone modems and plain old telephone to IP solutions.

We talked about using a 100 W USB-C PD PPS IQ Quick Charge power supply with
a USB-C PD PPS trigger module to form a 20 V DC power supply for a computer
terminal that was missing a power supply.

We talked about the Silent 700 Computer Terminal.

We talked about line editors.

We talked about computer emulators.

We talked about programming languages such as PPL.

I saw a BSD system for the first time.

We talked about the Plan 9 Operating System.

We talked about DEC PDP, DEC VAX, and DEC VAX VMS.

We talked about saving the planet.

We talked about smart meters for your home.

We talked about power management systems.

Please plan to make the next meeting if you like.


-John Mark Mobley



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Jim Mazurek

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