[UFO Chicago] Who On This Mailing List Is Responsible For The UFO Website?

Jay F. Shachter jay at m5.chicago.il.us
Sun Dec 29 13:15:00 CST 2024

The http://ufo.chicago.il.us website says

     Due to concerns over COVID-19 the "Users of Free
     Operating systems -- Chicago" will not be holding
     in-person meetings. Please visit our mailing list
     for current details regarding "Online" meetings.

This is not true, and it has not been true for years, which means that
the http://ufo.chicago.il.us website has not been updated in years.
Please correct the untruth.

I know that ours is a volunteer organization, and that neither I nor
anyone else on this mailing list is a paying customer, and that a
proper response to "someone should do this" is "then you go and do
it".  I would correct the website myself if I could.  If someone
reading this tells me how to correct the untruth, and gives me the
authorization to do so, I will make the correction myself and not
complain that someone else isn't doing it.

         Jay F. Shachter
         6424 North Whipple Street
         Chicago IL  60645-4111
                 +1 773 7613784   landline
                 +1 410 9964737   GoogleVoice
                 jay at m5.chicago.il.us

        "I sense much windows in you, Windows leads to bluescreens,
         Bluescreens leads to crashing, Crashing leads to...Suffering"

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