[UFO Chicago] UFO Chicago In-Person Meetings

Jay F. Shachter jay at m5.chicago.il.us
Tue Aug 27 13:38:39 CDT 2024

Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted that James L Mazurek would write on Tue Aug 27 12:30:25 2024:

> ... I would like to discuss options for the September in-person
> meeting. The Vintage Computer Festival Midwest http://vcfmw.org is
> scheduled for the weekend of September 7 & 8 and I am wondering if
> we would like to alter our meeting date and or location?.

I have no objection to altering the date of the September in-person
meeting (I don't understand how your other proposed alternative --
altering the location of the meeting -- addresses the problem: if
September 8 conflicts with the Vintage Computer Festival Midwest,
it'll still conflict with it if you move the meeting somewhere else).

> I would also like to discuss other future in-person meeting
> locations.  It has been pointed out that some members who had
> advocated for the Golden Nugget location are either no longer
> attending meetings or are infrequently attending meetings.  It has
> been suggested that future in-person meetings in the short-term
> should be held at the Wendy's located at 5472 N Harlem Ave, Chicago
> IL 60656.

If you only have in-person meetings once a month, how can you tell if
someone is infrequently attending them?  Anyway, I have no objection
to keeping the Golden Nugget location for alternate in-person
meetings, and I have no objection to scrapping the Golden Nugget
location and having all of our in-person meetings at Wendy's.  I
actually have a slight preference for meeting at Wendy's all the time,
but not enough of a preference to make me object to the Golden Nugget

                        Jay F. Shachter
                        6424 North Whipple Street
                        Chicago IL  60645-4111
                                +1 773 7613784   landline
                                +1 410 9964737   GoogleVoice
                                jay at m5.chicago.il.us

                        "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur"

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