[UFO Chicago] live linux distro to boot from CD not DVD

Carey Tyler Schug sqrfolkdnc at comcast.net
Fri Dec 11 06:38:19 PST 2015

I'm looking for the maximal experience I can get that will boot from a 
CD not a DVD for an older computer.  Assume 32 bit.  This is for a 
windows friend,  I know there are plenty of minimal distributions, at 
200 MB or less, but I want as much as will fit on a 680 MB CD.

This would be for "sort of" rescue.  For her to boot from the CD, access 
the web for mail, maybe mount her hard disk and view if not edit documents.

I don't know what is on current distros at typically 1.1 GB, but I can 
certainly sacrifice any relational databases, gimp and other software 
that requires somebody at least somewhat geeky to use.
primary needs are office suite and web browser(s).  Other educational 
software would be a plus (she is a teacher).

So far I have a slax CD at 226 MB.  Maybe this is fulfills the above, I 
haven't burned it yet.


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