[UFO Chicago] UFO Chicago Meeting Tomorrow (Sunday)

Jay F Shachter jay at m5.chicago.il.us
Sun Nov 14 13:09:47 PST 2010

Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted that Neil R. Ormos would write on Sat Nov 13 21:51:01 2010:

> Our 2nd Sunday of the month UFO Chicago meeting is scheduled for
> tomorrow night at 7:00 PM.
> Who is planning to attend?  I will probably attend if it looks like
> there will be a critical mass.
> --N

1. I intend to be there.  This means that, so far, the same three men
   will be coming to this meeting as came to the last one, which Neil
   Ormos does not consider to be a critical mass, because, after being
   informed of our arrival, he did not come.  Perhaps, if we gain enough
   weight, Neil will consider us three to have reached critical mass, but
   we will have to begin each meeting with weigh-ins, in order to verify
   the gain empirically and not just anecdotally.

2. I am glad to hear that Matthew Gibbs expects to be at tonight's
   meeting, because I flew in from New York this morning, and wished to
   buy a 1-day CTA pass at the airport, because, expecting to use the CTA
   thrice today (once from the airport to my home, once from my home to
   the Golden Nugget, and once from the Golden Nugget to my home), it
   would have been cost-effective.  Matthew Gibbs, however, refused to
   sell me a 1-day CTA pass at the airport.  Matthew Gibbs is no longer
   willing to sell 1-day passes at any CTA train station, so I had to
   spend more money, on an ordinary CTA card.

3. On October 30 of this year, it occurred to me that we are not
   conducting our UFO meetings in proper character.  If we are a nerd
   club, then we should act as a nerd club, which means that, instead of
   gathering together twice a month to solve the world's problems, which
   any group of barflies can do, we should be playing Dungeons and
   Dragons, or, at least, Go.  I shall be bringing a Go set to tonight's
   meeting, so that we can begin conducting our meetings in proper

	Jay F. Shachter
	6424 N Whipple St
	Chicago IL  60645-4111
		jay at m5.chicago.il.us

	"But when she traced the killer's IP address ... it was in the 192.168/16 block!"

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