[UFO Chicago] How to adjust the settings for your wifi card

Jay F Shachter jay at m5.chicago.il.us
Tue Nov 25 10:14:21 PST 2008

Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted that Brian Sobolak would write on Tue Nov 25 10:42:13 2008:

> Also -- I used a LiveCD where the default install was KDE.  How does
> anyone deal with that?  It's *awful*, and I don't mind GUIs at all.  It
> took 10 mins to figure out how to adjust the settings for my wifi card.

It took 10 minutes for you to figure out how to open an xterm window
and invoke the iwconfig command?

			Jay F. Shachter
			6424 N Whipple St
			Chicago IL  60645-4111
				jay at m5.chicago.il.us

			"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur"

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