[UFO Chicago] free operating systems [was: Solaris 10?]

Brian Sobolak brian at planetshwoop.com
Thu Feb 3 09:25:52 CST 2005

Carey Tyler Schug said:
> Does free in UFO refer to licensing costs or does it really mean "the
> source is publicly available"?
> Are RHEL and other "pay for it only" versions of Linux disqualified?
> Is Solaris 10 (with or without source) included because one can get a
> free educational/developers license?  There are other OSes like this, or
> used to be.
> Is VM/370 (mainframe) included because IBM has said they will not pursue
> anybody that uses it without a license, and when licenses were
> available, the license was free, and it comes with full source?

I don't think there is an official policy statement on this fact on behalf
of our little group.  If you use VM/370 somewhere, rad.  Same for HURD,
QNX, or 'pay for it only' linux.  But if you wear a Caldera shirt to a
meeting, we'll give you grief.

Our discussions at meetings (and hopefully by extension) on this list are
free-ranging.  We're not going to help anyone solve a VB.NET programming
problem on Windows, but I think most things are fair game here.

I reserve the right to flame Jordan though for giving me grief when I got
started with this group for admitting in public that I used MacOSX.

Of course that's just my opinion.  (shrugs)  You should come to a meeting
and talk to us about it - you'd be amazed at the arcane crap we know.


ps Carey - Do you square dance?

Brian Sobolak

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