[UFO Chicago] Chicago Python User Group Meeting, August 12

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Mon Aug 9 22:28:27 CDT 2004

(Unfortunately this overlaps with the UFO meeting, but so it goes -- 
blame that on stupid meetup.com)

The Chicago Python User Group, ChiPy, will have its next meeting on 
Thursday, August 12, starting at 7pm.  For more information on ChiPy see 

Aaron Lav will talk about Nevow (http://nevow.com) and his Nevow-based 
photo album which arranges plant photos by the standard taxonomy (e.g by 
family, genus, etc.)

Nevow is a web application construction kit, itself built on Twisted 
(http://twistedmatrix.com), a pure-Python server framework.

There will also be time to chat, and we've been spending a bit of time 
each meeting exploring the standard library and talking about what 
people are doing with Python.  We encourage people at all levels to attend.


This month we will be meeting in downtown Chicago, at SMS: 444 N. 
Michigan Ave, floor 28.  It's two blocks from the Grand Avenue exit on 
the red line.  (Note: you will have to sign in at the front desk.)  See 
the website for more information (http://chipy.org).  There will be 
wireless connectivity.

About ChiPy

This will be ChiPy's third meeting.  We meet once a month, on the second 
Thursday of the month.  If you can't come this month, please join our 
mailing list: http://lonelylion.com/mailman/listinfo/chipy

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