[UFO Chicago] Moo

Nate Riffe inkblot@movealong.org
Thu, 12 Jun 2003 15:22:22 -0500

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That's right!  Tonight is the night!  For one night only (this week),
UFO CHICAGO is having it's biweekly[1] meeting at VICTORIA'S CAFE at
3424 W. Foster Avenue, Chicago, IL.  We'll geek out for a couple
hours, eat some food, drinks some fluids.  It might be the only time
this week you get a chance to hang out with NEIL ORMOS.  If you're not
there at 8:00 PM, you won't be on time.


[1] Meetings are every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.  Most of the time
this means biweekly, but that's not always the case, since some months
have five Thursdays.  Last month was one such month, and so this is
actually the first meeting in THREE WEEKS.

--< ((\))< >----< inkblot@movealong.org >----< http://www.movealong.org/ >--
pub  1024D/05A058E0 2002-03-07 Nate Riffe (06-Mar-2002) <inkblot@movealong.org>
     Key fingerprint = 0DAC F5CB D182 3165 D757  C466 CD42 12A8 05A0 58E0