[UFO Chicago] Hello all and pressing questions for nonprofit users of Open Source!!!

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 00:13:02 -0500

Quoting john stanton:
> I have recently been contacted by an IBM rep from the east coast. IBM is
> interested in integrating OS into the their national Teaming for
> Technology Initiative (you can find the Chicago chapter at
> t4tchicago.org ). They have been dialoging with the Non Profit Open
> Source Initiative (NOSI.net) about some sort of collaboration aimed
> specifically at the nonprofit community. I have assembled some info
> about implementations/projects that I know about in local NPO's (non
> profit organization's)in Chicago. The list includes:

There's a group called DOCChicago that I'm somewhat associated with:


They're in the business of getting technology into the hands of people
in the projects. THey could use ANYTHING you could get them. I'm in
the process of getting a/some GNU/Linux servers set up for them, as
well as trying to set up viable Free Software desktop options.

I can get you in contact with their main dude, or you can contact me
on or offlist.
