[UFO Chicago] Webmail software

Jordan Bettis jordanb@hafd.org
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 23:43:07 -0500

On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 11:33:58PM -0500, Ian Bicking wrote:
> I'm looking for a good software for webmail.  I've tried squirrelmail,
> but it involves getting an IMAP server going, and the only easy one to
> get going is uw-imap, and it's crappy and doesn't work well with
> squirrelmail.  Anyway, I'd prefer to use POP.
> Does anyone have a favorite?  Something simple, but complete. 
> Preferably with a little support for virtual hosts (being able to set
> your From address is sufficient).

I use squirrelmail and use uw-imap with it and have no problems. Anyhow,
you don't really want webmail software with the perms to access user's
mail files directly, so that leaves IMAP or POP.

I wish uw-imap was more configurable, but it WorksForMe. I've even changed
my parent's accounts over to IMAP. POP is totally obsolete, imho.

Now, I did initially have problems getting squirrelmail working with
uw-imap, but it's fixed now. I can send you my squirrelmail config
if you want.

Jordan Bettis <http://www.hafd.org/~jordanb>
There are two types of people in this world, good and bad.  The good
sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more.
          -- Woody Allen