[UFO Chicago] New Linux Website

Sean Neakums sneakums@ufo.chicago.il.us
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 13:25:55 +0000

commence  Peter A. Peterson II quotation:

> Quoting Crow Leader:
>> What might be a better move is teach unix to people. Teach people
>> that thing exist outside the windows world. I've meet too many
>> "linux pros" who have no clue what to do on any other free or
>> commercial unix equivalent. They've sadly missed the point
>> completely.
> Or something I've experienced... being very comfortable with Debian,
> and then being TOTALLY LOST on a really hard OS... like Mandrake...

I knew when I discovered that Mandrake had XEmacs and no GNU Emacs
that I was in the house of the Devil.

Sean Neakums - <sneakums@ufo.chicago.il.us> --- --- -- -
Director of International Operations, UFO Chicago - -- -
http://ufo.chicago.il.us/ --- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -