[UFO Chicago] Model railroad scales

Nate Riffe inkblot@movealong.org
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:21:50 -0500

At the meeting I had mentioned "TT" scale model railroading and said
that the track gauge was 2mm.  This is incorrect.  There is a scale
that uses 2mm gauge track and it does not have a [:letter:]+
designation, but is simply called "2mm scale".  "TT" scale is 1:120
scale, which turns out to be about 12mm gauge, and is between "HO"
scale (1:87, or approximately 16mm gauge) and "N" scale (1:160, 8.5mm
gauge).  Below "N" scale, there is also "Z" scale with 6.23mm gauge
track at 1:220 scale.  2mm gauge track turns out to be a 1:685.8 scale
model of real trains.


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Wealth is the lowest form of greatness.
pub  1024D/05A058E0 2002-03-07 Nate Riffe (06-Mar-2002) <inkblot@movealong.org>
     Key fingerprint = 0DAC F5CB D182 3165 D757  C466 CD42 12A8 05A0 58E0