[UFO Chicago] [mailman-owner@flynn.zork.net: ufo unsubscribe notification]

Sean Neakums sneakums@ufo.chicago.il.us
Fri, 09 Aug 2002 19:06:28 +0100

commence  Peter A. Peterson II quotation:

> <sfx type="aol">*slam!*</sfx>

I guess we were harshing his mellow[1].

> ----- Forwarded message from mailman-owner@flynn.zork.net -----
> jjt@ossnetworks.org has been removed from ufo.
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> -- 
> Peter A. Peterson II, technician and musician.
> ---=[ http://tastytronic.net/~pedro/ ]=---

[1] Why yes, I *do* like that phrase.  Thank you for noticing.

Sean Neakums - <sneakums@ufo.chicago.il.us> --- --- -- -
Director of International Operations, UFO Chicago - -- -
http://ufo.chicago.il.us/ --- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -