[UFO Chicago] Okay, actually I figured the remounting thing out

Nick Moffitt nick@zork.net
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 23:29:04 -0700

begin  Ian Bicking  quotation:
> There's an option (in /etc/mtab) to remount a filesystem read-only
> when there's an error.  So that's what's happening, and they were
> bullshitting me.
> I still can't re-remount, because now mount is broken too.  So maybe
> that remounting option isn't very helpful.  Oh well.

	You should consider fscking these filesystems, and then
prodding a full reboot.

Jack Valenti is to the American film viewer and the American public
as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone. 
      -- http://cryptome.org/hrcw-hear.htm    (search for "Boston")