[UFO Chicago] bbs.tastytronic.net
Peter A. Peterson II
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 18:00:32 -0500
Hey all,
A long time ago, Mike Castelle talked to me about setting up some kind
of bulletin board (which he preferred over a mailing list). I
personally like the mailing list concept, but for a number of reasons,
I decided to implement a kind of bulletin board system on flynn. I
used mod_virgule (the advogato apache mod) and the results can be seen
It tries to be a nexus for Tastytronic Industries' projects, but is
open to the public, as long as you make the Entree names themed like
menu items.
Peter A. Peterson II, technician and musician.
---=[ http://tastytronic.net/~pedro/ ]=---