[UFO Chicago] Re: your mail

BrianT.Grant BrianT.Grant
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 13:13:33 -0500

NiftyTelnet and MacSSHPPC are good SSH clients for the Mac.  I like MacSSHPPC better, but NiftyTelnet has SCP - both for sending and retreiving! - built into it, which is quite handy.  

MacSSHPPC supports SSH 2 and uses ASCII color, which Nifty doesn't.  Can't really understand why, but it doesn't.  

> What's even cooler, is that Simon Tatham, of PuTTY fame, has written
> an scp client for win32* -- so you now have a secure** way of transferring
> files from Windows to Linux (and/or back) without plain-text auth,
> samba-over-internet, ftp, etc. It's the only way to fly.
> You can get PuTTY and pscp at:
> http://two-bit.ufo.chicago.il.us/pub/ssh/windows/