[UFO Chicago] Re: your mail

Peter A. Peterson II pedro@tastytronic.net
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 11:30:57 -0500

Mike, I'm cc:ing this to ufo, so that everyone hears about scp's
frosty goodness.

Quoting Mike McCune:
> Yeah, FTP is about as secure as a Microsoft product ;-) What is scp? Is it 
> similar to ssh?

scp is Secure Copy. It uses ssh to transfer files from one location to
another. If you have ssh on a box, try this:

scp foo.txt username@machinename:~/

You'll copy foo.txt to your homedir on 'machinename'.

You can also do cool things like:

scp -r aug30/ pictures@two-bit:~/public_html/ or if you are logged in
as 'pictures' on your home machine, omit the username:

scp -r aug30/ two-bit:~/public_html/

Which will of course recursively copy the directory aug30 into the
public_html directory in the user picture's homedir.

What's even cooler, is that Simon Tatham, of PuTTY fame, has written
an scp client for win32* -- so you now have a secure** way of transferring
files from Windows to Linux (and/or back) without plain-text auth,
samba-over-internet, ftp, etc. It's the only way to fly.

You can get PuTTY and pscp at:

There's also a link to the PuTTY homepage there.



* The win32 client requires the username at all times, since windows
username auth isn't exactly the most authoritative.

** for large values of secure